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Caffeine Emergency? The Espresso-Rescue Truck Might be Near!


Source: Zagat

Are you experiencing a serious caffeine emergency? Well, there is a solution cruising around Houston, the Espresso-Rescue truck!  There you will be greeted by owner James Weaver, who is always dressed in scrubs and ready to assist with all caffeine-related emergencies.

The idea of making great coffee available to those on the go was inspired by Weaver’s 20 year experience as a flight attendant, where he served bad coffee to customers. After his retirement, he launched his one of a kind ambulance themed truck last year and it is truly a delight.

Weaver doesn’t only serve plain old coffee; you can pick up an espresso, latte, Americano, drip coffee (made from Katz’s beans), mocha, hot chocolate, hot and iced teas, and smoothies.

For the most updated information on where to pick up your delicious, freshly brewed cup of joe and receive great customer service, follow the Espresso-Rescue truck on Twitter! Has the Espresso-Rescue truck solved your caffeine problem lately? How did the ER healing process go?

Via: Espresso Rescue, Zagat

2 Responses to Caffeine Emergency? The Espresso-Rescue Truck Might be Near!

  1. Jessica Danley April 24, 2014 at 12:33 pm #

    I have a few valid questions about James Weaver and his Espresso-Rescue truck:
    1. Does he provide intravenous coffee delivery? I mean, it is an ambulance.
    2. Is Mr. Weaver single?
    3. Does his truck play “coffee-house” music while cruising around town? If not, how will I know when my rescue cup o’ joe has arrived?
    4. Does he provide the same smug attitude as certain coffee chains? I don’t know that I would feel comfortable receiving coffee from anyone without an Art History degree, or, at the very least, a background in Indie Music.
    5. I might be repeating myself, but is he single?

    • Sade Jenmi April 24, 2014 at 12:59 pm #

      Jessica you are gem! Lol!
      1. That would be risky but, totally awesome and worth it!
      2. He makes the morning coffee so, he should have plenty of takers.
      3. That’s a great suggestion, those in need of rescuing deserve flashing lights and loud music to ensure they are alert!
      4. As a previous flight attendant, we are sure he picked up some interesting stories, both cultural and hilarious so that should substitute the Art History degree and have expanded his taste in music.
      5. We’ll be sure to ask if we catch his truck!

      Thank you for such wonderful questions Jessica, these are things the public needs to know! We hope you are having a wonderful day and let us know if you find Mr. Weaver’s amazing truck!

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